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Updated: 30 December 2019

WhatsApp announced that some handsets will be blocked from using the WhatsApp service as a whole.

Reason for Termination

To introduce new and more powerful features, developers harness the speed of hardware and use the features of the latest operating systems (OS). On the security side: should a hack occur on older operating systems, and OS developers don’t support that operating system any more – by not releasing new security patches and updates – anyone running that OS will be vulnerable to hacks, information leaks and various other security threats.

Handsets to be Banned

Here is the list of all handsets and the dates their operating systems will be banned:

  • iPhone: any iPhone running iOS 8 or earlier (1 February 2020);
  • Andriod: any phone running Andriod v2.3.7 or earlier (1 February 2020);
  • Windows: ALL phones running ANY Windows OS (31 December 2019).


If you own any handset running an OS as described above, you will either need to update your OS to the highest version your device is compatible with, or you should consider buying a newer handset.

Jeandré Badenhorst

techTification: WhatsApp to Ban Various Handse…

by Jeandré Badenhorst Estimated Reading Time: 1 min