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Estimated Reading Time: 1m 45s

Earlier in December, I wrote a piece about the top 10 Google searches in South Africa. I decided to expand it to the top 10 searches around the globe on this last day of 2019. Let’s see what the world was curious about in 2019.

Top 10 Songs the World searched for

Music maniac? See if your favourite songs are on this list.

Top 10 TV Shows of 2019

To all the couch potatoes, here are the most searched TV Shows for 2019.

Top 10 Global Search Keywords

Without waiting any longer, here are the most searched terms from around the world for 2019.

Other Countries

Have a look on Google’s Trends page to find out what the people in your country searched for in 2019.


As the year 2019 fades into the shadow of 2020 that awaits us, I wish you a prosperous 2020 full of success and happiness. Remember, next year brings you 365.25 opportunities. Take each one and make the best of it! Until next year, take care.

Jeandré Badenhorst

Top 10 Google Searches from Around the Globe

by Jeandré Badenhorst Estimated Reading Time: 1 min