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Photo with MacBook Pro, camera equipment, cellphone and car keys

Welcome to techTography!

So, after being busy with this site for about a month, I can finally send all the ones and zero’s into the World Wide Web. Not joking, it was really a month worth of research, playing around with containers, selecting themes, some coding, finding a hosting service, and the most time-consuming task: getting the legalities in order.

I will do a series on how to start your own blog, the way I did it. It will include selecting a Content Management System (CMS), hosting company, and getting your legalities in order. But more on that later.

This blog will be all about tech. Technology, cameras, photography and some personal experiences here and there. The main aim, for a start, will be the latest news and releases, tips and tricks about Apple products. The plan is to evolve to writing about […] and […], I think you should make your own deduction. Hint: look at the site address.

Well, that’s all I have for now, hope to be writing about your favourite tech news very soon.

Till then, be good!

Jeandré Badenhorst

The First One

by Jeandré Badenhorst Estimated Reading Time: 1 min